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For some really strange reason, my .32 Pistol shows up as .32-Pistole. I attempted to change the name in the GECK, but it wouldn't let me save it. What should I do to fix it?



I believe this problem came about from the 20th Century Weapons mod. I deactivated the mod (I do not wish to uninstall it) and all changes it made were reverted back to vanilla Fallout 3... except this one. Quite annoying.

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For some really strange reason, my .32 Pistol shows up as .32-Pistole. I attempted to change the name in the GECK, but it wouldn't let me save it. What should I do to fix it?



I believe this problem came about from the 20th Century Weapons mod. I deactivated the mod (I do not wish to uninstall it) and all changes it made were reverted back to vanilla Fallout 3... except this one. Quite annoying.


I had the same thing happen. In my case, it was the Megaton House and Theme Overhaul mod overriding the .32 Pistol record. I was loading the mod too late in the order; moving it before the FWE ESPs, in my case, fixed it right up (since the FWE main ESP overrides the .32 Pistol record.) It may be a different mod that's overriding it in your case, but I can say for certain that the standard 20th Century Weapons mod, version 5.12, has nothing to do with it. None of the vanilla weapons are present at all in the 20th Century Weapons mod ESM or any of the plugin ESPs. An easy way to figure out which mod is doing this in your setup, is: load your usual load order of mods into FO3Edit, expand the very first entry (Fallout3.esm) and expand the Weapons tree, click on the .32 Pistol record (I don't remember the full object name at the moment, sorry) and look in the right pane. Scroll all the way to the right in that pane, if necessary, and see which mod is overriding the .32 Pistol with that name.

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It's definitely the Megaton House and Theme Overhaul.


Even the modder doing the patch neglected to delete all traces of that 'override'.

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