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Adding Player Made Character "specifications" To A Npc


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Ok I'm new & I've been mucking around with the Escs for a little while. Hardly anything major so far but i wanted to try change the Gabby companion mods character image. That's easy enough of course and after a few rough tries i have managed to get something looking half way like my current character however i was wondering if there's not an easy way to transfer character specifications or at least the image data from saved games (or where ever that data is kept) to the TESCS in some way. I've tried using the "Chargen With Numbers" mod to help me out & make the changes manually but it's slow going & I've had less luck with it then just using visual adjustment because of the difference in scale & the fact that the TESCS likes to repeatedly skip a few thousand points on every setting unless you baby sit them all. Given there's around 54 settings by the time you get back to the start you need to go through again.


I'm not holding my breath on this but it would be nice to be able add your player's image into the NPC list & if that doesn't work then some way to use the race menu on companions would work. Are there any known ways of doing either ?

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