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Need some more performance improvement suggestions


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OK, I realize that it's pretty normal for the game's FPS to slow down when a lot (8 or more) NPCs are on screen at once. And there may be nothing I can do about that...but I still wanted to check. I run MMM at the default spawn rate, which in some cases seems to be about as much as my system can handle.


My system runs decently well (20-40 FPS or so in most exteriors, 30-60 FPS in interiors), but it can slow down to 2 or 3 FPS in the midst of a chaotic battle, IF that battle is happening on-screen along with a bunch of magic effects or light sources.


I've done about all of the optimizing I can think of, including:

--Running PyFFI on everything

--Installing and tweaking Oblivion Stutter Remover and Streamline

--Installing Kuertee's Cleanup and a few other mods like that

--Modifying Oblivion.ini so it doesn't load as much distant detail

--Running only those mods I consider "essential"

--Most recent graphic and sound drivers

--Down to 1024x640 resolution on my Nvidia GeForce 9600M GS card


Does anyone have any more suggestions, other than the obvious (turning down the spawn rate on MMM)? For example, would there be a way to turn off light sources or complex magic effects when FPS slows down? Thanks in advance!

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It seems to me (and I could very well be wrong) that when you get a lot of npc's wandering around, it takes a toll on your graphics card, but also your processor. You have a good system according to your specs, but have you considered overclocking? It can be harmful to your system, but if done right, can also be very beneficial. I've overclocked a previous PC of mine and got a significant performance boost out of it. I don't know anything more you could do in Oblivion itself to boost your performance, but ocing is a physical way to attempt it without spending precious money.


Another thing is if you have the nvidia control panel on your computer, a lot of times you can set different settings for different game. Boot up the control panel and see what you have set for Oblivion. Too, you could check if your image settings slider is set more towards quality or performance. Maybe try a happy medium, assuming it's more towards performance.


I don't know if these will help, but it's the only thing I could think of. And I hope it makes sense. I'm pretty tired right now, working a 10 hour day after getting only 2 hours of sleep. So if this comes out as nonsense I apologize.


If all else fails, simply use your character to, ahem, thin out Cyrodiil population a little :)

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