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Want RP follower, perhaps a edit of exsisting, will donate, text speach for lines fine.


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I want a sibling dragonborn, like a twin dragons things. Npcs have siblings. Yet I dont want it to just be a doll, There must be a short quest to find and there must be a interaction text tree for limited conversation, like some other mods have.


Nothing as complacated as fully voiced. Just basic tell them things, get response, give gift x comment/reply improves bond/mood/and or relationshiprank, x comment lowers it.


Dose not have to be situationaly awhere unless can edit exsisting follower mod. and change lines. If use pre existing would only need edit text and look on mod maybe not even look if rite. Big donation if works right.


Other players might also find useful.


There have been many threads I see from google requsting such but few replies. It would doubtlessly be a populer mod. Stand alone please. Or perhaps a edit version of your exsiting mod.

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I'm currently creating a map/quest mod so i might have some experience in questing later,or i can put the "brother" into my mods storyline.

What I'm really looking for is a functional version of a old mod that gave the player a brother or sister follower that would show up with backstory, adapted,


To exstend this, one could even have parents or one parent or both, or lost in a dragon attack or war, with sibling bringing news. Or alive in costum home. How hard is it to spawn a brother/and or sister in Breezholm with custom text that is a follower?


Almost any standard follower mod could be adapted. If I only knew how to edit Diolouge trees on skyrim I could do it with many of the standarded vanity followers on this site, with permission.

Edited by skyquest32
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