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Thane Quests


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The thanes are a really cool idea on Bethesda's part, but unfortunately you don't get much for being a thane other than a one off "get out of jail free card" and a housecarl. It also seems strange that given your new title, you have no responsibilities to your hold. If any modders reckon a thane overhaul mod is a good idea, here are a few suggestions:


- The Jarl could send you out on quests to defend the hold, e.g kill bandits, giants, wild animals....

- Organise events in the hold, like banquets, festivals etc. (bit like the burning king quest for the bard's college)

- Diplomatic missions, e.g. establish trade with other holds, talk to foreign diplomats etc.


Rewards and progression would also be a good idea. This could include things like a large estate somewhere outside of the hold's capital with your own retainers. Better pay is another obvious reward and the player could gain greater power in the hold as they progress .


It might also be worth having a look at the historical roles of thanes/thegns in Scandinavia and Anglo-Saxon England for some ideas: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thegn

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If you're the Thane, you really should be able to send out people to hunt and kill bandits for you. Would be cool to have people working under you with their own squads that went out to further your authority in the hold you have become the Thane of. Mix that with Mixed Unit Tactics and this could be pretty awesome.


Being a diplomat sounds cool. For organizing events, you could also add organizing hunts/hunting parties. If you're the Thane, it probably is technically legal for you to do that now, usually you'd need a license or permission from the Jarl.

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Yeah, as the Thane it would make sense to lead troops into battle. I think some of the Thanes in England lived in villages and were responsible for raising a band of warriors in times of war. I guess in Skyrim, a Thane of Whiterun could act as the chief authority in Riverwood and report back to the Jarl.


Diplomacy would set a mod like this apart, since there are already loads of mods based on fighting. Links could be made to the civil war and other events around Skyrim/Tamriel. Organising a hunting party also sounds like a cool idea.

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The diplomacy would be quite a bit of work, but it would definitely be worth it in my opinion. New NPCs with voice actors would add to the immersion a lot. It would be great to see the results of diplomacy have some sort of effect in game as well. For example, if you're the Thane of Solitude and you successfully set up trade with the Bretons, it would be cool to see Breton markets set up in town.


I'm guessing this would be too difficult, but maybe a Thane could fight the civil war through his/her hold's perspective. Let's say you're the Thane of Riften (who are allied with the Stormcloaks) - you would still fight on the Stormcloak side, but you would lead Riften's forces as a part of the larger Stormcloak army. If you are the Thane of Whiterun maybe you could influence the Jarl there into fighting for one side or the other, since he makes that decision early in the civial war questline. I suspect I'm pushing it a bit with this suggestion though haha.

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