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Scripting Help On Elven Armor!


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In the last thieves guiled quest you are attacked by two elven statues. I thought that their armor was cool. Turns out the statues had a scripting effect that made the armor look like stone: effectTG11stone (entire script shown below). How can i get this effect onto my character, or better yet, just onto a special set of armor.



entire script:


ScriptName ElvenStatueScript


Short NewAmbush

Short SetIdle


begin OnLoad

equipitem TG11ElvenLongsword

setalert 1

setghost 1


setunconscious 1

setdestroyed 1 ; so you can't activate

pms effectTG11stone



Begin OnDeath

setdestroyed 1



Begin GameMode

If GetStage TG11Heist >=73 && NewAmbush == 0

If GetDistance Player <= 1600

Set NewAmbush to 1

TG11Statue01.SetGhost 0

TG11Statue01.SetUnconscious 0

TG11Statue01.SetDestroyed 0

TG11Statue02.SetGhost 0

TG11Statue02.SetUnconscious 0

TG11Statue02.SetDestroyed 0

Set SetIdle to 0

ElseIf SetIdle == 0


Set SetIdle to 1






Please help me. I would greatly appreciate ANY help. (If you use this in your own mod tell me so that i can download it)





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In the last thieves guiled quest you are attacked by two elven statues. I thought that their armor was cool. Turns out the statues had a scripting effect that made the armor look like stone: effectTG11stone (entire script shown below). How can i get this effect onto my character, or better yet, just onto a special set of armor.



entire script:


ScriptName ElvenStatueScript


Short NewAmbush

Short SetIdle


begin OnLoad

equipitem TG11ElvenLongsword

setalert 1

setghost 1


setunconscious 1

setdestroyed 1 ; so you can't activate

pms effectTG11stone



Begin OnDeath

setdestroyed 1



Begin GameMode

If GetStage TG11Heist >=73 && NewAmbush == 0

If GetDistance Player <= 1600

Set NewAmbush to 1

TG11Statue01.SetGhost 0

TG11Statue01.SetUnconscious 0

TG11Statue01.SetDestroyed 0

TG11Statue02.SetGhost 0

TG11Statue02.SetUnconscious 0

TG11Statue02.SetDestroyed 0

Set SetIdle to 0

ElseIf SetIdle == 0


Set SetIdle to 1






Please help me. I would greatly appreciate ANY help. (If you use this in your own mod tell me so that i can download it)






I believe it has to do with shaders. While I don't think you can accomplish this on a single piece of armor, you can however apply it to a whole actor. Should probably check out the CS wiki and prove me wrong.

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  • 1 month later...

In the last thieves guiled quest you are attacked by two elven statues. I thought that their armor was cool. Turns out the statues had a scripting effect that made the armor look like stone: effectTG11stone (entire script shown below). How can i get this effect onto my character, or better yet, just onto a special set of armor.



entire script:


ScriptName ElvenStatueScript


Short NewAmbush

Short SetIdle


begin OnLoad

equipitem TG11ElvenLongsword

setalert 1

setghost 1


setunconscious 1

setdestroyed 1 ; so you can't activate

pms effectTG11stone



Begin OnDeath

setdestroyed 1



Begin GameMode

If GetStage TG11Heist >=73 && NewAmbush == 0

If GetDistance Player <= 1600

Set NewAmbush to 1

TG11Statue01.SetGhost 0

TG11Statue01.SetUnconscious 0

TG11Statue01.SetDestroyed 0

TG11Statue02.SetGhost 0

TG11Statue02.SetUnconscious 0

TG11Statue02.SetDestroyed 0

Set SetIdle to 0

ElseIf SetIdle == 0


Set SetIdle to 1






Please help me. I would greatly appreciate ANY help. (If you use this in your own mod tell me so that i can download it)






I believe it has to do with shaders. While I don't think you can accomplish this on a single piece of armor, you can however apply it to a whole actor. Should probably check out the CS wiki and prove me wrong.


i checked and i still dont get it. if ANYBODY can help id really appreciate.



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