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Baymax/Rocket Raccoon Companion Mods


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I was thinking if it was possible if someone could create Baymax from Big Hero 6. After watching the film, I fell in love with this character and all I could think about was him as a companion in New Vegas. So I was thinking maybe someone would be able to recreate a model of him (he's not complicated at all) and maybe add some lines of dialogue voiced from the movie.


http://movies.disney.com/big-hero-6/assets/img/preloader/baymax.png - (Don't pay attention to the red thing he is standing on, that's he recharging station.


Another character I was thinking about was Rocket Raccoon from Guardians of the Galaxy. He would be a little more trickier as far as making a model for him, but voicing shouldn't be as challenging as making the model, as you can do the same by splicing some dialogue from the movie.


http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140627191149/marvelmovies/images/2/25/Rocket_Cutout_Render.png (Pretty bad ass)



Personally, I love the Baymax idea more so it's not necessarily "both" but if I had to pick one, understandable I would say the first one.


Thank you and let me hear what you guys think.



*On a side note, if you guys could help me out, I started a modded playthrough of fallout new vegas/3, if you guys could give that a look and check it out and maybe drop a like or a comment, I'd appreciate it. :thumbsup:


Here's the link! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhXC5VuGFhQ

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I'm not sure but taking dialogue from the movie might be breaking a whole whack of copyright laws, I think you would have to find a voice actor who sounds close to Rocket Raccoon and use that instead.

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