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Messed up factions during the last part of the main storyline


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ok, so i'm pretty much at the gates of the last stretch of the main storyline.

i took my sweet time with the game so i've finished almost every other quest that don't intersect with the main arc so, i'm almost at lvl 39 now.


i haven't visited the fort but i have the ceasar's mark and they're still neutral, used the king's favor to defuse the violence in freeside, killed benny on the presidential suite, spoke to dr. house. and got the chip back, been to hoover dam but i haven't spoken to Col. Moore, the great khans are in good standing thanks to helping jack and diane, and McNamara just gave me the option of joining the BoS.. everyone else, pretty much worship me...


...or at least that's what the pipboy say.

in truth, i have a few members of each faction being hostile to me, while everyone else tell me how much of a model citizen i am...that is regardless of what outfit i'm wearing... (advanced recon armor usually)


- if i visit the fort, disguise or not, the praetorians go bonkers and alert everyone else.

- if i visit the khans, jerry the punk (which i helped pursuit his poetry dream so shouldn't even BE there in the first place) will chase me, same as papa khan.

- if i visit forlom hope, the guys by the bonfire will go hostile.

- in nellis everyone loves me...unless i happen to step on one of the watch tower ramps. then everyone will EXPLODE ME (silly censor script -_- ) to smithereens.

- if i visit the ultra luxe, there's always a guard or two that will start picking on me, even though i helped them get rid of mortimer!

- if i visit house's pent...house? a securitron might or might not go hostile on me... sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't.

- the only ones that never seem to care are the chairmen and the...gomorrah's goons, whatever they're called. mainly because i haven't done much with them yet. other than talent pool and bye bye love.


to me it just seems like whenever i spend too much time with any one faction, strange things start to happen.


what's your take?




edit: btw, i bet you didn't even noticed that i said dr. House before lol




Edited by VileTouch
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ok, so after a lot of time examining the different factions quests and scripts in fnvedit i came to the conclusion that my save was glitched ( you don't say? xD ) i mean of course, obvious glitch is obvious , but more specifically, some flags were simply not set in my save, so...i did a few tests, increasing my fame with different factions, decreasing my generic karma, and turns out the only thing causing all the fuss was legion reputation.


resetting it with a quick:

player.setreputation f43dd 0 0

fixed everyone else.


now i don't know what do the other faction members have to do with legion reputation (the NCR lieutenants at forlom hope for instance?) but it did work!


now one small tip i can give to anyone going to the fort? DO NOT use a legion outfit! seriously!, if Cursor Lucullus is hostile to you and you are in good standing (via the mark of ceasar or otherwise) with the legion, then your save is glitched and you WILL run into trouble down the road. you do not need a disguise to go there.

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