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Wasteland Battlefield request


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Hi guys,


I've been looking for a mod that does this on Nexus and I've asked around on the official Bethesda forums but with no results.


What's 'this' in the previous sentence exactly? Let me explain.


The original inspiration for this mod was the realization that after installing MMM, factional patrols were getting destroyed by muties and other creatures all over the map. However, even without MMM, this could make for some serious fun.


I'm looking for a mod that increases the spawns (number of NPCs per spawn, frequency of spawns, number of spawn points) of factions that wander the wasteland. This would include, for example, BoS, Outcast, Talon Company, Regulators, random Slavers etc. In addition, I'm looking for something that would create frequent instances where you find different factions battling it out over certain locales in large groups such as in the staged battle in front of the Capitol which you see the first time you approach it.


This would involve creating new patrol paths, spawn points, etc, as well as balanced patrol sizes. All scripting, I guess, nothing you can't do outside the GECK.

The goal of the mod would be to change the Wasteland into a warzone that is being fought over, with battles that you can inadvertantly stumble into at random.


That's the simplest form of the mod that I have in mind. If you were to take it a few steps further, all types of possibilities such as faction headquarters, quests to help one or another group expand influence could all come into play.


Would it be easy to put together a mod such as this? Is it something a modding n00b could dohimself?

Are there any good scripting guides out there that could help me get started if I were to have a go at it myself?


Any suggestions or efforts, or if you know a mod that does something similar already, please let me know.


Thanks all.

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