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How are followers AI controller?


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Hey guys,


I'm trying to figure how I can assign AI packages efficiently during runtime.


I know that one method is to use reference aliases and force to fill them during gameplay via scripts, I will probably go with this if there is nothing else.


An old method I used was by setting all of the AI packages to the NPCs that I want to control and then having quest variables in my created quest scripts, in the conditions for all of the AI packages I would then compare and check the quest variables to determine what an NPCs should be doing. I feel this is a messy way of doing things as my NPCs end up with countless AI packages on their Actor base.


Also I'm confused as to how the official game followers AI is controlled in game. How is their AI changed during runtime? because non of their AI packages relate to how they act when they are followers, and I cannot find any scripts on where the AI for these followers is altered.



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