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Dragon Training Perk


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To go into the dangerous and hot caves of a volcano, to steal a Dragon egg.



It becomes your and feed it enough "food" (tons of food, eg. 100 apples) until it hatches, transforming into a full size dragon. Able to send it out to do things in order to train it. Speech skills aquired, giving you the ability to command it. :woot: ???

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I'd like this, but the Tame the Beasts of Skyrim 2 mod already allows the player to control a dragon as a pet: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50698/?


I believe it also has a breeding mechanic, though I don't know if it works with dragons.


Your idea is also not lore friendly since dragons aren't born, but I suppose they could get around this by making a quest that allows the player to artificially make a dragon.

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