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Spell Gloves/Gauntlets


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First, I've checked around on the Nexus and haven't seen anything like this idea, so if I've managed to skip over it I apologize.


To the point, I was wondering if someone could make gloves/gauntlets, that act as weapons when equipped, but allow you cast spells. The point of this would be to use the weapons enchantment charges instead of your magicka reserve. I'm sure people have built characters and never once put points into Magicka as they leveled up, and this could be a way to get rid of Soul Gems as you recharge your glove/gauntlet, as well as giving your character access to spells he/she otherwise wouldn't be able to cast. The Master level spells could be "two-handed", acting like normal gloves/gauntlets with the normal two handed animations they usually have, while spells like Fire Bolt would only be one handed (left or right versions separate), and would use it's normal animation as well.


This also came to my mind while figuring out how to make the Iron Man power armor. You could make Repulsar Gauntlets, etc. The chest piece could grant your character a lesser/major power of the Uni-Beam. Just random thoughts.


EDIT: Now that I'm thinking about it. It wouldn't be much different from using a Staff of (Insert Spell Here). So basically you could just take the staffs from Skyrim and use them as a base for everything I suppose. And yes, I realize I could just use a staff, but I like the idea of the gloves/gauntlets. Besides, casting spells by hand looks cooler than using a staff.

Edited by FungiFunGuy
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