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Ser Gilmore Not Showing Up?


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So I installed the Karma's Origins Companions mod and I have it enabled too, and I have a Spirit Healer and a Warrior. It says Ser Gilmore is in front of the Chantry, but he doesn't seem to be there? Does anyone know why this is, it says it's enabled in my downloadable content section. Also, where are the rest of the Origin Companions, how do you open the console, and my Armor mods don't seem to be working, is it because I created a character before installing the mod? How do I re-enable it for each character?
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Karma's Ser Gilmore doesn't appear in Lothering in front of the Chantry. I believe she has a 'read me' for where all of the various Companions will appear.


Your armor mods - some of them - have to be 'disabled' before starting a new Grey Warden is started and then 'enabled' after the Grey Warden is created.

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  • 5 months later...

So I installed the Karma's Origins Companions mod and I have it enabled too, and I have a Spirit Healer and a Warrior. It says Ser Gilmore is in front of the Chantry, but he doesn't seem to be there?

I found him BEFORE the town has been destroyed near the chantry and allowed him to follow me and made him at 100% "Friendly".

Now the town is destroyed on the map (grayed out) so I can't go there without a special mod item. But I have that item in my inventory and I'll visit the town again.

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Ser Gilmore (fully voiced) by Immortality shows up in front of the Lothering Chantry.


Ser Gilmore from Karma's Companions shows up in Cousland Castle

Do you mean the "fake" Roland in the castle who has no voice (just text-speech)?

I also found him in the destroyed castle with Howes soldiers. But I took the original Roland with me.

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Depending on whether you installed the Compatibility patch. If you have Ser Gilmore (Immortality's) installed, the one from Karma's Companions shouldn't appear in Cousland Castle.


Karma's Companion Ser Gilmore is the one with text only dialogue.

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