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Multiple equips mod


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I've been looking for something like this but can't find anything with the Search tool.


Basically, I'm wondering if there's a mod that let's you keep a rifle on your back and pistol on your hip, so when you switch between the two, the weapon doesn't just disappear off your person.


I only intend this for rifles that go on my back and then whatever stays on the hip, for immersion's sake, I installed a mod that lowers my max encumbrance so I only ever have a rifle and sidearm at any given time, anything else is just too heavy.


Anyway, is something like this even possible or am I hoping for too much? It's really just for aesthetics.

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might could try adding the mesh to clothing.... might be clipping problems with actual weapon though, and you would have to switch between rifle version and pistol version every time, and you would need unique clothes for every variety of each....
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