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Streetwalker-A book by my English teacher, please support?


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Well, I guess not my English teacher. But, an English teacher at my school and one whom I know better through a non-academic relationship. Don't take that the wrong way. Anyway, her memoir is out now, unfortunately only for the Kindle, as I said. Paperback in December. It's her story of growing up in an abusive household, and some of the things she got into. Of course, that's a gross summarization. But, please, check it out, each and every download means the world to her. Thanks.



Also, for those that don't have a Kindle, here's the official, downloadable application for Windows and Macs: http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=kcp_pc_mkt_lnd?docId=1000426311


Streetwalker: http://www.amazon.co...f=cm_cr_pr_pb_t


A review, that summarizes better than I did:

"I bought this book for Kindle at a friend's suggestion. I wasn't sure what to expect. What I found was an open and incredibly honest memoir of a young girl's experiences in an abusive household and her attempts to remove herself and her foster brother from the situation. I had trouble putting it down. Some parts I felt didn't go with the "story" but it was part of her experience in being a teenager. All in all, I found it a very captivating read. I recommend it."

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Will do. I ordered it this morning. It is on my Kindle now. I noted that it had a 5 star rating. I will read it as soon as I'm finished with the Thomas Jefferson biography I'm reading now. Problem is I get very little reading time in these days. But will get to it as soon as I can, and I promise to give it a review. I read quite a few books from Amazon, and have reviewed them before, so will be happy to help. I saw that she has gotten some really nice reviews already.
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