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Laser Designator Model Request


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i made a laser designator with all the appropriate stats and scripts, but the missile launcher is just not a good weapon for this. Here are some pics of the thing i want. if someone could make this i would be very grateful. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/policy/army/fm/6-30/f6300113.gifhttp://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091228194210/combatarms/images/a/a8/Airstrike_designator_napalm_thumb.jpghttp://img.youtube.com/vi/42ZPeW7EBPc/0.jpg


this is the scope(without the red hitmarkers and stuff)



You will get a completed copy and a kudos if it happens, and if i upload it, you will be listed under authors and credit given in first line of description.

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