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Better Music System, Oblivion, and MP3s


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So I just got Better Music System, and I think it's abso-frickin-lutely fantastic. However, I downloaded the addon for Elsweyr, along with a music pack, but I didn't like the music pack's selection for Elsweyr, and went to go exchange their mp3s with some from a soundtrack which I own, which I knew would be perfect for the scenery. Only problem is that it doesn't seem to want to play them. Which leads to my actual question and reason for starting this thread-


Is there some kind of codec issue going on here? Are their certain kinds of MP3s which oblivion (or just BMS) wont play for whatever reason? How can I tell the difference? Thanks.

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Oblivion has played every mp3 I've thrown at it. How did you put the mp3's from the album into the game? If you ripped them, which is fine because you own the CD and you're not sharing them, what software did you use?
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I got it on iTunes, which plays it fine. I'm really confused by this as I too have never had Oblivion not play an mp3 which I've thrown at it, but I've confirmed that it's not because of the Better Music System by clearing out my Battle folder, disabling the system and getting into a fight with only one of the tracks in question in there... no music. Weird.
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You could always get a program like AVI codec that lets you examine the file in-depth and perhaps compare it with an mp3 that works; perhaps it had some sort of strange encoding, or perhaps it has something to do with the filename. These kind of problems are always frustrating but there's always a reason, even if computers make that reason extremely difficult to find. I know at least that oblivion is very very picky when it comes to dds formats, it has to be the right encoding or it won't register it at all, perhaps it's something similiar with music.
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Yeah, I'm pretty certain that I could locate the source of the problem with enough time and free apps, but honestly I've already moved on to other, equally appropriate songs. Maybe if I'm in a strange mood at some uncertain point in the future I'll look for something which will tell me more details about the mp3.


I might be more interested in pressing the matter further if I knew the first thing about audio encoding, but, eh... not sure it's worth the trouble.


I suppose I'll try changing the filename. Come to think of it, I can't think of why I didn't try that before. Pretty obvious first step. If it works I'll feel silly.


Edit: Nope. Didn't work. On the bright side I don't feel silly now, but unfortunately that means the issue is probably the encoding, which I don't want to bother with.

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Was this song a normal iTunes download, that you listen to through the iTunes program, on your iPod?


I don't use it, but family members do. Correct me if I'm wrong, but last I heard, iTunes files are not mp3s. Does this file have the mp3 extension?


(This question may seem really stupid, if the answer is yes, but remember I don't use iTunes, and am only going on what my computer illiterate mom and sister say about it, and they think an mp3 is "any song you download off the internet". Also, I apologize if I just insulted your intelligence. I'm just keeping the bases covered.)

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