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Flame off?


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I started up my game and continue, when I noticed that it was nighttime, so I activated a torch. The torch itself activated fine as there was light. However, there was no flame coming out of the torch. The torch became more or less a glowing stick. I had installed no new mod before this happened, so it might be a setting thing. On the opposite end of the spectrum, to decrease lag, I turned off the detailed grass shrubs, but as soon as I start walking, they reappear. I check my options, and my changes to decrease lag have been undone. How do I turn the flame on and grass details off?
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I started up my game and continue, when I noticed that it was nighttime, so I activated a torch. The torch itself activated fine as there was light. However, there was no flame coming out of the torch. The torch became more or less a glowing stick. I had installed no new mod before this happened, so it might be a setting thing. On the opposite end of the spectrum, to decrease lag, I turned off the detailed grass shrubs, but as soon as I start walking, they reappear. I check my options, and my changes to decrease lag have been undone. How do I turn the flame on and grass details off?


Some options require you to restart the game before they will take effect. Try making the changes at the main menu screen and then immediately restarting.


I don't know how oblivion creates fire effects. I know in some games it's a particle effect, so it's possible that it's tied to one of the settings you turned down and therefore being not displayed.

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