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Combat Overhaul Idea


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I'm rather disappointed with the combat in Oblivion, so let's fix it! I've been brainstorming some ideas for improving (In my opinion) the combat, and I'd like to get some ideas and input concerning balance, as well as figuring out what is and isn't possible with the constraints of the engine. If this takes off, I'll probably need assistance with the inevitable programming, but I can most likely handle any animations that are required.


- Combos -

Implementing a combo system, rather than just the continuous stream of attacks. Your skill level with whatever weapon you're using would determine the maximum amount of attacks in the combo. The enemy would flinch with the first few attacks, and the final one would stagger them. The heavier the weapon that your using is, the longer the enemy flinches.


- Recoil -

Changing the way the weight of your weapon affects its attacks. Rather than the swing itself being slowed down based on the weight, the recoil between the attacks would be lengthened.


- Defensive Maneuvers -

Adding the ability to parry, like Ragna's Parry. You would also be able to block offensive magic spells for a split second, making the timing important. The delay before blocking would also be removed, making figuring out the timing a bit easier. Dodges are executed without delay as well.


- Special Attacks -

After parrying an enemy's attack, pressing a certain key would execute a special attack, which would do a large amount of damage. Your target would be frozen and unable to interfere with the attacks' execution, as well as any enemies in the area, but there would be a chance that the target would stop you from performing the attack.


- Taunting -

Performing a taunt will anger some enemies that are engaging you, maybe depending on some AI attribute or something. The effected enemies' offensive and defensive skills are reduced temporarily. (Ideas concerning which ones?)


- Recovery -

You can flee from your opponent, and hide from them for a little bit. You would still be engaged in combat, but they would have to find you in order to resume. While hiding, you're able to rest (Not like waiting, but some sort of sitting down/leaning against wall animation), during which you would recover health at a higher rate.

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- Combos:

Your idea: "Your skill level with whatever weapon you're using would determine the maximum amount of attacks in the combo"

Little improvement: "Your skill level AND THE WEAPON you're using would determine the maximum amount of attacks in the combo"

Basically you can't perform more than 3-4 attacks in the combo with a big hammer, while a short sword can perform even 7-8, but only if your skill is high enough.

If your fatigue drop to 0 (or under a certain percentage), the enemy block/dodge your attack or you get hit, the combo ends.

- Taunting:

I think that taunting slightly increase the offensive skills and greatly decrease the defensive ones (The enemy start attack and don't care about wounds)

Offensive skills +25%

Defensive skills -50%

No use of block

No use of recovery item/spells

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