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Nifskope edits don't show up in game


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Hey all,


I am currently running FOOK2 v1.0, WMK, the WMK-FOOK2 patch, and RH iron sights plus the RH Ironsights FOOK2 patch.

My problem is that running WMK with iron sights causes some of the guns to not line up at all, and in fact I am seeing the butt of the gun instead




I adjusted the .nif's in Nifskope, but for some reason the changes don't happen and I am seeing the same mesh in game. Any ideas as to what's causing this? (And yes, I did search for a full hour)


I followed the instructions in this tutorial


If there is something wrong with my posting please let me know and I'll fix it right away. Thanks.


EDIT: Figured it out myself, thanks. Just had to run nifskope and GECK as an administrator

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