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How to make realistic explosion damage


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Alright. I've checked, and so far as I can tell this hasn't been done before.

To get a decent multi-damage explosion, why can't you just set up an object effect which causes multiple damages with different radiuses? Let me give you an example.

At the core of the explosion, for a 5-foot radius, there is the concussive force.

For a ten-foot radius there is the fireball from the blast.

For a twenty-five-foot radius there is the shrapnel.

All you need to do is create different base effect that alter either health (or health and parts, depending) with the appropriate resistances as seen here: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/202508-damage-blocking/

Apply them in the correct value to the object effect, apply the object effect to the weapon, and you should have an explosion with shrapnel, blast, Etc.


So, now I wait for a link which shows that this has been done before.

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