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Lost Staff Animations/Stances


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You could always opt for some new staff animations. Here's a couple:




Or, what is going on, is that the animation files are still in your Oblivion data folder. Open up your Oblivion folder and look for files like these:





so on and so forth...


These .kf files are animation files, and Oblivion is looking to them to see how your character should "animate" when you use a staff. If you delete these, oblivion should look back to the vanilla animation files, which are stored safely in the meshes.bsa, so you don't have to worry about deleting them, because if you delete meshes.bsa, you will have much bigger problems than your character thinking his/her staff is a gun.


Make sure you only delete the staff files, and makes sure you only delete .kf files. That should do the trick :)

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