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Placing items ingame


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Hi all!


Well I'm looking for some kind of tutorial or something that can explain me how to place any items, like armors or basically any outfit into my characters inventory.

I really hate placing those items in some crates and then go there and look for it (I always had the problem, that suddenly all crates and barrels of the same kind had the exact same inventory... so I had about 20 outfit pieces in every damn crate...)


I have seen a few mods, which directly give you the items, so you don't have to waste your time to find them, and that's why I would like to do the exact same thing.



Thanks! Any help appreciated!

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So I will have to replace "-your item-" with the ID of my Armor, but how to I know the FormID?


Anyway, thanks for the help, I'll give it a try.


PS: Should I create 1 quest pre armor or can I just insert all my stuff with one single quest?

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Sorry for double post.


Well, I just found out on how to find the FormID. Works perfect, but the funny thing is, that I get everything twice..


This is how my script looks like.

I just made a Quest and added it to the Character - Quests Tab...


SCN AutoAdderScript

Begin GameMode


player.additem 01000ED3 1

player.additem 01000ED4 1

player.additem 01000ED5 1

player.additem 01000ED6 1

player.additem 01000ED7 1

player.additem 01000ED8 1

player.additem 01000ED9 1

player.additem 01000EDA 1

player.additem 01000EDB 1

player.additem 01000EDC 1

player.additem 01000EDD 1

player.additem 01000EDE 1

player.additem 01000EDF 1

player.additem 01000EE0 1

player.additem 010015C2 1

player.additem 010015C3 1

player.additem 010015C4 1

player.additem 010015C5 1

player.additem 010015C6 1

player.additem 010015C7 1

player.additem 010015C8 1

player.additem 010015C9 1



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