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Disabling specific player controls?


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i'm trying to disable specific player controls, and I only want the player to be able to move and look around


i've tried using the DisableControl command (OBSE only) but it seems to be a bit buggy, because I can still talk to NPCs (with the result that i can't quit dialogue, because left mouse is disabled, too)


there has to be a better way to do this. :sad:


any ideas?

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If this situation of only being able to move and look around is within a controlled environment, such as one particular cell you made, then you could do it with really simple scripts.


SCN AANothingHappens

; Object script applied to all the objects and NPCs in your controled environment.
; SetStage AAMyQuest 25 was set when this mode of non-interaction began.

Begin OnActivate
    If Getstage  AAMyQuest == 25
          ; Nothing Happens!

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