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Better maces


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I think that the steel mace is the coolest looking mace, but its really weak. I think the daedric mace should look like the steel mace but more daedra like, any takers for a mod.


a hopeful fan of spiky round objects that hurt people.

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Alright, I'll give it a shot. I'll see what I can do, and if you like, you can download, if not, then you don't need to download. I'll post a link as soon as I get the mod up and going. :)
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Alright, here we go. I hope you like, I retextured the steel mace to look like it's daedric, I also made it more powerful (a little bit stronger than a normal daedric mace). Here's the link:




If you're not big on it that's cool. I had fun making it anyway. But, I hope you like! :)

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Which install type are you using?


If it's manual, there should be four files installed, and this is where they should be:







You can browse through those folder directories and make sure that the files copied into the correct places. Also make sure to activate the file in the Oblivion Launcher.


If you're using the omod version, just open the .omod file with obmm. Then click on the mod you just opened, and press the activate button. After that you should be ready to go.



If it's still not working, what kind of problem are you having? Is it just not showing up in game? Or does it show up and when you equip it you see a giant yellow exclamation point? Or when you equip it is the shape right, but there's not texture? Let me know a little more and I might be able to help you a little better :)

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The first time I used it there was no texture on the mace, so I tried changing the file setup but then the yellow exclamation box appeared instead of the mace. I'll try re-installing the mod and see what I get.
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Do you have an untextured mace with the omod version? If the mace is untextured, these two files are in the wrong spot.





Make sure they are there. If they are and it's still not working, then there's probably a problem with where the mesh is looking for the texture.


Sorry it's been such a rough ride getting this mod to work :wallbash:

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