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Bars in the sky


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A screenshot be needed!


I have, on occasion, seen some weird anamolies in the skies aswell. Not often enough to trigger any red flags though. Sometimes theres a line crossing the middle of the sky, from one horizon to the other, other times theres big patches of dragged off clouds (as in, the texture of the cloud seems to have been dragged further than it should) and other fun stuff. Does yours happen often/all the time?

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That is strange... Do you use any weather mods? I think it could be a clashing of two weather mods. Or an incorrectly installed weather mod. If you don't even have a weather mod then.. I'm clueless, those are not like anything I've ever seen in the sky.
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I'm in the middle of setting up a new weather and climate system, so, yeah, it's probably something I did wrong. I was just hoping this was a common problem or something easily fixed, but it looks like another game of trial and error.
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