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Help with Custom Walk Animation Export


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I'm not sure if this is a problem with the import to Blender or the export process. I'm using Blender 2.49b with the latest versions of PyFFI and nif scripts. Currently I'm just using the default walking animation as a test case. Any movement animation I export from blender and try to use in game works perfectly, except for the first frame or so of the animation. Instead of moving forward immediately, the character slides slightly to the left before it starts to go forward. This only happens immediately after the animation begins. It loops correctly; in other words, it doesn't slide to the left at the beginning of every animation cycle, only when I press W to start moving. Adjusting the Bip01 position in an attempt to correct the problem just causes every loop following the original run to shift.


I've done my best searching this site and others for solutions, but I haven't had any luck, so I apologize if this has been addressed before. Has anyone had similar problems with custom animations? Is it something wrong with the import/export process, or is there something esle at work.


Can anyone recommend a guide that details the import and export settings needed to successfully create or modify animations in blender?


Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions.

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