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Two mods I'd love to see made reality


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Just throwing this out there as I'm playing a dwarf right now and I love the look of the saw sword on the dwarves. It's just about as perfect a weapon for dwarves as I can think of.


It's a sword, however looks very ax-like. The only problem with it is it is very plain. I'd love to see someone retexure the saw sword to jazz it up a bit and make it a little more ornate.


The other mod I'd like to see made is a shield with a small blade, or some spike on it. Thought it would very bad azz to have a punching blade on the downard edge of the shield. This would have course be a purely cosmetic alteration.


If anyone thinks they're up for it thanks!

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Throwing this out here for you, just in case nobody jumps on the idea. Weapons have a much simpler texture file to work with than armor does. Which makes them easier to work with, than retexing armor. There is a program called DAtool http://social.bioware.com/project/41/

this program will allow you to extract the vanilla texutre's dds files for editing. You simply need to be able to open them up in a program that can handle .dds files, like adobe photoshop. From there you can edit them as you like ;)

So if maybe you want to take a stab at it (pun intended ;) ) that would be how you go about it. And as long as you dont change any tints, or add any glowy stuff to it, all you'd need to do is drop your new texture files into the documents/bioware/dragon age/packages/core/override folder.


the shield on the other hand, would require working with the meshes. DATool can also extract those. But meshes require working with a 3d program, and that's REALLY not my field of expertise. So I'm of very, very little help there :(

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