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No Floors Glitch


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Hey there guys!


I've recently installed Skyrim Legendary Edition ( ) and it's been running without mods. I have stumbled across a really annoying glitch.

In some houses, Hjerim and The Bannered Mere for example, there are rooms which have no floor. If I walk where the floor should have been I end up falling for a couple of seconds and then get transported to wherever I entered the building. Objects and NPC's falling/walking through will end up in an eternal loop of falling, getting reset where the floor should be and then fall again. This really messes up a lot of quests and in the instance of Hjerim, rendering the entire house useless! Sorry for the poor quality of this image but I just had to take a picture real quick to show you: http://i.imgur.com/wl8PqG6.jpg

This is in Hjerim, the floors on both levels of the house is almost completely gone. This is the "secret room" in Hjerim: http://i.imgur.com/uYvjpjr.jpg
Which is really annoying since it involves a couple of quests... I have the following mods installed, which I installed AFTER the problems first occured to try and fix it, but without success:http://i.imgur.com/avelXZE.png


I'm really thankful for all the help I can get since I've googled my way all across the internet without any results, although here is a video of a guy with the same problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usAxCZl5R0o



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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 years later...

THE PROBLEM: I experienced the same glitch, falling through the floor just as I enter the kids' room in Hjerim (with the secret closet just off to the right), getting transported back to the house entry point. (Thank Mara my family is in Lakeview Manor.)

I've been spamming a ton of player.placeatme's (ovens, cooking spits, bedrolls, anvils, etc.) and running batch files (to have my housecarls & NPC's equip specific clothes and stuff, and also to alter to what degree food items sate my hunger in survival mode - to make me more ravenous and give an impetus to eat up the plethora of free food that's out there). Not sure if that mischief pushed my luck and brought the glitch on.


MY SOLUTION: go into console mode, click the problem floor area, type disable, type enable, exit console, walk test. I had to do that a few times before it took, though. Not sure why. The time it worked, "disable" made the floor turn light blue until I re-enabled it. The disable-then-enable trick helps to update my buggy barrels and ovens and stuff, so I thought it'd work here, and it did . . . for now . . .

Edited by pericynthion
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