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Grounded Battleship


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Imagine another Battleship which is similar to the Vanilla Rivet City, but instead you are in charge of the ship, you are the Captain, and you order the deckhands that had been barely scrapping by before you discovered the Grounded Battleship.


"While stumbling through the ruins of the decrepit city once known as the Washington DC, the Lone Wanderer takes a moments' hiatus from the Inner DC area and sets up in the remains of an old scavenger's camp overlooking the Potomac Bay on its Southern Banks, which had been abandoned without any evidence as to why, moments after reaching the camp the Lone Wanderer falls unconscious onto the misshapen mattress under an old rowboat. As the Lone Wanderer twists and turns asleep, the Wanderer suddenly jolts up, awakened from the nightmares of the past by a loud alarm. The Lone Wanderer then rushes to the sound of the alarm, reminded of the escape from the only home the Wanderer ever knew, Vault 101, to find a large mob of super mutants attacking what looked to be a Grounded Battleship. For a moment the Lone Wanderer surveys the battlefield, watching as a large, heavily armed group of Super Mutants lay siege to a group of untrained, poorly armed humans."


This is my idea of a "lore-friendly" story to go along with the mod, and from this point you, the Lone Wanderer, can make the decisions on what to do, either assist the untrained group of humans or simply sit back and watch with a nicely cooked Brahmin Steak to eat as the Super Mutants decimate the group of humans (no good or evil karma for helping, evil karma for watching). If you decide to attack the Super Mutants and actually manage to save some of the humans then they will thank you graciously and in honor of your bravery will appoint you to the rank of Captain, which allows you to make choices on how to improve the ship's defenses, increasing the ships' population, trading connections, and sanitary conditions. Then you can train the current deckhands (sort of like with the training of Bigtown's population) or hire mercenaries for a price in order to defend the ship further.


However as you improve upon the ship's the Super Mutants will take a greater notice in the advances to the vulnerable ship settlement, as the frequency of Super Mutant attacks decrease the intensity of their attacks increase, as they grow more and more desperate to attack the infant settlement. Eventually the threat becomes to much and the Super Mutants are able to breach the cities defense, managing to kill several guards and kidnapping a decent portion of the population, taking them back to their DC Headquarters. At this point the player can choose to either go after the missing settlers and save them, or choose to send down a Hammer of Righteous Wrath down on their headquarters, in the form of a nuclear strike which had been inactive on the ship until you had repaired it, which kills not only all the Super Mutants but also the missing settlers. If you save the people the Super Mutants continue to attack but are never able to attack with such intensity again.


I know its a large sized mod, but I've seen much larger then this that have been created before, such as the Expansion on Evergreen Mills and on the Citadel, but I simply do not have the modding skills to create the mod myself, however I can support the more story based part of the mod.


Thank you for your time,



P.S: If you are a moderator and feel you are able to create this mod please email me at [email protected] or send me a private message on my Nexus Account.


P.S.S: If you want to voice your own ideas do so, the more replies the more attention this request will have so text your opinion.

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Sounds like it could be made.


But do you want to control the people like a squad or do you want them to run tasks like individually fighting the supermutants?


Hmm if it was going to be any way I'd say it would be more individual tasks, like his job is defending front entrance and her job is to patrol the upper decks of the ship. Kind of like that.


By the way thanks for the replies ha ha its nice to receive them and your opinions are appreciated.

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