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Gold,ebony, clutter (glasses,cups,forks........)


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Hi,everyone,got a little problem unistalled a bunch of plug-ins.stuff is still showing up as a gold glasses,forks,etc. but no textures.Cant remember witch one they came from :wallbash: .Ive even Goggled it :confused: .can someone help me.
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I guess the first mod that comes to my mind is Cobl, I don't know if you had that installed at all though.


One thing you could try. I don't know how many mods you have, but if it's not a lot, you could redownload them, and then follow this guide:



This guide will help you get Oblivion back to it's original state without reinstalling it. Then, you can see if your forks and such are still textureless. If they're fixed, then just reinstall your mods. If they aren't, then well, we can go from there!


It's worth a shot :)

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Argh, I keep thinking about this one too. Maybe it's one of your mods doing this. What mods/plugins are you using right now?

thanx for the idea,Im sure its just two,or three or even alot of modes clashing.got about 20 to 30 plug-ins running :whistling: just cant stop down loading all this awsome content. :thumbsup: got to many running to list. thanx Dracnar

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You can also try this. Generally pretty helpful... FormID Finder

thanks for the help :thumbsup: gave you a Kudo for that one! 8) Found out which plug-in it was Misc Extender Pack.How can I make this work properly.Do I copy and paste it into my Oblivion Default Configuration File.Not quit sure how to do this Is there a link, Help me please.

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Thanks! Glad to help. Now, which can't you make work? The FormID Finder, or the extender pack? You shouldn't have to edit any files, I don't think, just deactivate and delete where necessary...

Both :confused: Started a new topic (How do I edit my Configuration File)Maybe we can continue your conversation there :thumbsup:

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