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[CK] Alchemy crafting menu without any animations


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I'd like to somehow be able to access the alchemy crafting menu while sitting.
The usual option of creating an invisible alchemy workbench results in just sitting up when I use "Activate(Player)" in Papyrus during my MagicEffect.


Any ideas on how to prevent all kinds of animations, and just open up the menu?

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The trick is to put the workbench in a cell that isn't loaded by the game. Just create a new cell and add a crafting station (and nothing else). For convenience give the new crafting station an editor id like HiddenAlchemyWorkbench. Assign an ObjectReference property to your script and fill it with your crafting station, then use "HiddenAlchemyWorkbench.Activate(Player)" to open the alchemy menu. That should give you the menu without any of the animations.
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Thanks, but that brought me only halfway to my goal so far. I can now activate the menu without an animation....


but it still won't open the menu when seated. When I use the activate command, my character just sits up. Then using activate again will bring up the menu.



My current method for sitting anywhere is creating an invisible furniture below me to sit down. When I bind any of my other sitting commands to a key that moves the player, or E, the standing up happens as well. So maybe using the table is like one of those other commands, and I have to change the furniture script?


It does work fine for using Activate(Player) on a container though, no sitting up there. Even when I not use an unloaded cell, and just place the invisible container next to me.

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I didn't think about what you were asking. Of course there's a conflict. You can't use two pieces of furniture at the same time!


I don't think you'll be able to start the crafting while seated. Tou might be able to create a new furniture object with the properties of the alchemy table but using your sitting mesh so that you can make the character sit down to make potions.

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But I guess then I couldn't stop the crafting menu after sitting down until a key is pressed, right? And there is no way to sit down but with an invisibile piece of furniture?


Well, it's something that would have been nice for my mod, but it's by no means mandatory.

Edited by golem09
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As you said, you can't use two furnitures at once.


So the solution is to sit down without the use of furniture:


Debug.sendAnimationEvent(Player, "IdleSitCrossLeggedEnter")


Of course for that to not screw up your character, you gotta put a bit more work into the code. If anybody wants to use my solution, just copy and paste:

	Game.DisablePlayerControls(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
	while (Player.IsWeaponDrawn())
	Debug.sendAnimationEvent(Player, "IdleSitCrossLeggedEnter")
	int i = 0
	while (Player.GetSitState() != 3 && i != 15)
		i += 1
Edited by golem09
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