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Oblivion "screenie" stuttering


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First off, i wanna say that my english aint 100% perfect, but im'a do my best.

Alright so.. This occured to me after installing qarls texture pack v3..

Whenever i get hit in combat. when blocking, not blocking, lowest / highest graphics... I get this thing like it's taking screenshots and reverting back to them.

For example, i try fighting a mud crab or whatever, Just before i enter combat. That's the "screen-reverting point" so, i get hit by the mud crab lets say.. at the end of a dungeon, but i went into combat at the beginning of the dungeon, Then i get this screen-reverting thing, It flashes back and forth between the point i was outside combat till when im moving and whatever im doing.

If i face north when this occurs, i can turn west east or south and it wont continue, if i get hit again, i'll get the same screen-reverting thing even if im looking somewhere else.

And this is really annoying cause it really freaks me out.

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