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OBSE and Autopatching/ Retail Edition


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Ok so I went back to Oblivion after some time only to find myself hopelessly outnumbered by the felling of confusion, when you've done it all and killed everything in all kinds of ways. Then there is really only one thing left, Modding.

Unfortunately I have no idea how to do that... So I downloaded the '28days later and a bit' mod here from The Nexus but it requires something called OBSE, which I have no idea what the hell that is, or how it works.

So I download it and put it correctly into my Oblivion files by copying the OBSE file, loader and editor, like the readme said I should.

Then I tried running the game through the OBSE Loader, like it said. But the I get a message that says:


You are using the original version of Oblivion, please uppgrade to


And I did, or...I tried, I downloaded the autopatcher but when I use it and it's done and everything, nothing has changed. No files have changed and I still can't run it with zombies all over the place...

I figured that the autopatcher didn't work becouse I don't have Shivering Isles installed and started looking for a 1.2 update instead but everything leads me to, which doesent work. Am I all outa luck or just doing it wrong?

Also I tried looking for an OBSE which is'nt version 18 but everything I seach leads me to it...

Btw if it helps then I'm using the Disk retail edition, No downloads steam or pirates (I'm not cheap when it comes to great games.^^ )


Please help and I'll give you a BIG thank you!!!

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For some unknown reason Bethesda named BOTH the Oblivion only patch and the Oblivion+Shivering Isles patch with the same version number. And they are not compatible with each other!


If you have Oblivion Only, without Shivering Isles, you MUST use the Oblivion Patch. If you have Oblivion with Shivering Isles installed - even if the shivering Isles part is not activated you MUST use the Shivering Isles patch. Both are v1.2.0146


Both are available free at the official site: http://www.elderscro...tes_patches.htm

You will need to scroll down to find the Oblivion only patch. Be sure to get the right one for your language version.


If you have installed the wrong patch, you will have to reinstall the game as it cannot be undone.

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