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Will it run?


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I'm not really sure if my computer can handle this because I've been told my graphics card sucks, but I've been able to handle Fallout 3 pretty well on medium/low settings and performance enhancing mods. My specs are:


Model: Presario CQ61 Notebook PC

Processor: AMD Athlon II Dual-Core M300 2.00 GHz

RAM: 2.75 GB usable

OS: Windows 7 64-bit


I don't mind playing with minimal graphics and settings.

Thanks in advance

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Well, Dragon Age is extremely hard on system resources. PCs with 4 gigs of ram, and duo core 3+ gig cpus have been known to have problems with lag, stutter, and crashes after extended periods of play. And PC's run better than laptops which tune down their resources to conserve battery power and control heat.


So.... yeah, you're gonna be able to play it on your lappy, but dont be surprised if you have a lot of lag, and it starts crashing to desktop (CTD) after you've been playing for a while. About the only thing that I can recommend is to give your system a rest after about an hour or so of play. Shut the game down, let the system refresh it's RAM, or maybe even reboot the comp.

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No prob. Yeah, this game really isnt that good on machines that arent really, really built for it. :( Its got a crappy game engine :-/

You can try this tweak- http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/58/index/1533383/1#2933903 I dunno how much it will help you out, since its mostly for folks with 4g of ram, but hey... worth a shot ;)

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Go here to see if your computer can run the game


You will find Oblivion listed as 'The Elder Scrolls IV, Oblivion

Fallout3 as Fahttp://www.systemrequirementslab.com/referrer/srtest

llout3 PC and Dragon Age listed as Dragon age

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I used to use that site but I've been told it's not very accurate. Hell, it says I can't run Fallout 3 but I can play it smoothly on medium textures and low setting (i.e shadows and water).


Thanks for the suggestion though


And DarkeWolf, if I ever get around to trying DA:O on my laptop I'll check it out.

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Not a problem ;) I do hope that you try it out, its a really fun game. Tho, if you're used to Oblivion/Morrowind, you may not like having to give up the freedoms that you had in those. But the storyline for DAO is awesome. Even tho its a system hog.


Happy gaming :)

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