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I uninstalled a mod and now any locations marked as generic "Mojave Wasteland", and only those locations, are in French.


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If they weren't supposed to be in French, then there is probably a mod that changes the location name somewhere lower in your load order, try checking that first (smartest way to do so if you have a longer load order is to use FNVEdit, load all your active mods and check which mods edit those locations. One of them is probably responsible.


Alternatively, if you have a shorter load order, you can just check out which mods you suspect of having this effect. For instance, if you are using http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/37708/?'>Chryslus corvega - Post-Nuclear edition it might be the cause (or not, I just know it was translated from French).

Edited by kkk122
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