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So I'm basically just asking for a mod that adds Toothless's fireblast attack from the How to Train Your Dragon movies (the one where he does the "charging screech" and then spits out the fireball).


When toothless does this he spits out a super fast fireball. The fireball has a very large and powerful blast radius. The fireball results in a really cool blue shockwave.


I think this can be done by using the "charging screech" as the shout sound. Then your character shouts out not one but two super fast fireballs going at the same speed, so they are inside one another. When the dual fireball hits, the main fireball explodes and creates a large blast that does a lot of damage. The second fireball has a much, MUCH larger blast radius (maybe 20x the radius) but does no damage and is blue (this is only for aesthetic effect, it represents the shockwave). The shout should have quick recharge (maybe 10-20 seconds) but long shouting time, as in where FUS RO DAH takes about three seconds, the charging screech should take maybe five seconds.

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