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Are we living in a Simulation?


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I wouldn't say that some ones watching the matrix, but more likely saw inception recently. Which while Matrix and Dark City like, is more freaky if you ask me.


Or we could be "someones" or "somethings" dream.

If/when this creature wakes up..................puff............we´re gone.................................. :blink: :sick:


Sounds like something The Aborigines whom inhabited Australia before the settling by other countries. Their belief systems, a formative epoch known as the Dreamtime where the first people came unto a land and formed it. They then took on forms of humans when their spirit entered a pregnant mother to be and walked this earth until death when they would return to the dream world. A similar idea was used in Final Fantasy Ten (a.k.a. FFX).


A second thing to consider is what type of simulation are we in. I only ask because there are several forms that come to mind. The three top ones are Dreams, Computer Simulation and Zoos.


Dream means that it is the Dreamtime or Inception like and in time the dreamer will wake and we will cease to exist. Or like in The Matrix and FFX we exist in some sort of a mass dream and the loss of one life means little since we continue to exist because of some force that has bound us here.


If it is a computer simulation (The Matrix) then we can only wonder if conspiracy is something that is programed into keep us from seeing the truth. Like in the matrix we choose not to see that something is not right in the world and any one who says other wise is mad. Not that they walked into some sort of room and found the truth or saw the sky suddenly glitch and started looking for answers.


Now with the zoo idea we have two movies that we can look at, Dark City and Truman Show where one or more people are kept on display for the entertainment of a smarter being. Some times this being is an alien entity some times it is us wanting to see the real life of X for no apparent reason other then we just want to.

This last one is something I wonder about most of the time. It was first introduced to me in a collection of short stories that I read back in the early 90's when I was in middle school. While I don't remember the name of the book or the name of the particular story. But I do recall it was about a teen who wanted to leave his small town but always was stopped in his endeavors until he fell threw a crack one day. The crack was a service tunnel that lead him out into a zoo like environment which included a look into his town. Upon coming close he found a display that he found informed readers about the subject by putting the subjects entire history into their brain, He was eventually captures by large squid/crab looking aliens who ran the zoo and returned him to his cage, After wiping his mind of course.



Finally, If we where living in a simulation and some one found out would it reset?

Sorry but I've had this talk before with some people and it tends to eventually lead back to Douglas Adams. Who wrote in one of the books Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy that if both the question and answer of Life the Universe and every thing where both known that the entire universe would reset in a big bang fashion. Every thing would start over and Physiologist would have their job security safe for X number of years.


Yeah I think I didn't actively add anything to this topic save to stir the pot of madness a little more.

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I don't think anyone knows for certain what the Universe as a whole, really is. And if some being is smart enough to create a virtual universe, as complex and massive as our entire universe, and simulate everything down the the atomic level, then they certainly would be a god in my opinion.
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I don't think anyone knows for certain what the Universe as a whole, really is. And if some being is smart enough to create a virtual universe, as complex and massive as our entire universe, and simulate everything down the the atomic level, then they certainly would be a god in my opinion.


Of that I have no doubt ...


But like a great many topics that could be answered sensibly they end up being .................................


Nevertheless, to the topic at hand - I reply so - To claim that the freedom of choice is controlled, is to not only purchase the deception of freedom from responsibility for your own actions, thoughts and reasonings, but also, you disown your inheritance as the most magnificent of creatures and therefore rob yourself of destiny.

Life is therefore an illusion, a dream, a compliance to the fickle will of a cruel puppet master and therefore not worthy of attention, it's a transitory mist, a flight of fantasy and a nightmare.

Rather, you should choose to mock this god of dreams, and shun his elixir of vanity.


Life is yours for the taking.

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I don't think anyone knows for certain what the Universe as a whole, really is. And if some being is smart enough to create a virtual universe, as complex and massive as our entire universe, and simulate everything down the the atomic level, then they certainly would be a god in my opinion.


Of that I have no doubt ...


But like a great many topics that could be answered sensibly they end up being .................................


Nevertheless, to the topic at hand - I reply so - To claim that the freedom of choice is controlled, is to not only purchase the deception of freedom from responsibility for your own actions, thoughts and reasonings, but also, you disown your inheritance as the most magnificent of creatures and therefore rob yourself of destiny.

Life is therefore an illusion, a dream, a compliance to the fickle will of a cruel puppet master and therefore not worthy of attention, it's a transitory mist, a flight of fantasy and a nightmare.

Rather, you should choose to mock this god of dreams, and shun his elixir of vanity.


Life is yours for the taking.


What would be epic is if we could create a simulation on a blank canvas. What I mean is, you enter a sim where everything is white, and you, or the creator or God or whatever you want to call it, creates whatever you want that can be so complex with little knowledge of what your doing. Now that would be fun. :happy:

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I don't think anyone knows for certain what the Universe as a whole, really is. And if some being is smart enough to create a virtual universe, as complex and massive as our entire universe, and simulate everything down the the atomic level, then they certainly would be a god in my opinion.


Of that I have no doubt ...


But like a great many topics that could be answered sensibly they end up being .................................


Nevertheless, to the topic at hand - I reply so - To claim that the freedom of choice is controlled, is to not only purchase the deception of freedom from responsibility for your own actions, thoughts and reasonings, but also, you disown your inheritance as the most magnificent of creatures and therefore rob yourself of destiny.

Life is therefore an illusion, a dream, a compliance to the fickle will of a cruel puppet master and therefore not worthy of attention, it's a transitory mist, a flight of fantasy and a nightmare.

Rather, you should choose to mock this god of dreams, and shun his elixir of vanity.


Life is yours for the taking.




I take offense. I believe free will is a gift from God. Not trying to derail topic, or get it blocked for religious talk, just expressing my displeasure.



EDIT: It has recently come to my attention that this post was not intended in the way I had originally though, and I withdraw my objection.

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the universe could be some giant alien kid's science project... and the world that that alien kid lives in is some other aliens computer simulation, and that alien world is the inside of another aliens locker...
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I don't think anyone knows for certain what the Universe as a whole, really is. And if some being is smart enough to create a virtual universe, as complex and massive as our entire universe, and simulate everything down the the atomic level, then they certainly would be a god in my opinion.


AH but the devil is in the details and the more details the more convining a story/world/movie.

I remember hearing one of the developers for World of Warcraft talking about how when they started work on the MMO they had something like 30 models for trees. They then went out and doubled that cause they felt like it wast enough verity in game. In addition they put certain plant nodes in locations. Gravemoss can only be found in graves, Blindweed can only be found is two zones that are mostly swamps, Ghost Mushrooms can only be found in caves and Arthas Tears can only be found in the plagelands. While this is but a minor example I would not put it past a being to put in as much details into an artificial world as they could. I mean if some one found a flaw in the world it might lead to people realizing their lives up to that point have been a sham.


One example that comes to mind is an episode of Batman: The Animated Series titled "Perchance to Dream". Batman is captured and put into a dream/virtual world that to him was so convincing he almost fell for it, Till he tried to read a book and found the characters where wrong. This was because at the time reading was thought to be a function of the left hemisphere and dreaming a function of the right hemisphere. While we know today that this is not true that dreaming requires both Hemispheres to dream and just the left to read it was a good plot device at the time to convince him to get out of the matrix like world that some one had trapped him in.

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Maybe the alien developped a new life cell and that is us ? :pinch: But it is hard to belive what there is outside of the Univers (oups going off topic ) PS sorry for bad english. Maybe the univer is creted buy somebody ?
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I will never understand why some people can't find it logical for life to exsist outside our planet. If its in your religion, then I understand. But if its in your philosophy, then I don't.
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I will never understand why some people can't find it logical for life to exsist outside our planet. If its in your religion, then I understand. But if its in your philosophy, then I don't.


Ya me to i belive that ther is other life how can't you belive at that ? :blink:

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