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Crusader Items level with you?/My Reward items list


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Alright, i've been making a list of all the IDs of items rewarded from quests (basically all leveled items) so that when i earn them , i get the best version, regardless of level :biggrin: . Now, the question is, should the Crusader armor/weapons be on my list aswell? I heard something about them leveling up WITH you, is this true? I'd really like if someone could confirm this for me. If so, does the UOP change this? I have to know because if it does, well, the crusader stuff is going back on my list. I've divided it up nicely ; Cyrodiil and Shivering Isles so its organized :laugh:
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The Crusader armor will level up with you and here is how to do it: Take the armor off and put it all on the stand in the priory. Then take it off and reequip it so if you go from lvl 5 to 10 then do that procedure and it will be lvl 10 also, then do the same with lvl 15 and so no and so forth^^ hope this helped you^^ :thumbsup:



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The Crusader armor will level up with you and here is how to do it: Take the armor off and put it all on the stand in the priory. Then take it off and reequip it so if you go from lvl 5 to 10 then do that procedure and it will be lvl 10 also, then do the same with lvl 15 and so no and so forth^^ hope this helped you^^ :thumbsup:




Thanks a lot Triveck, wanted someone to confirm this for me. :thumbsup: Just to clear things up; say i get the full set @ level 1, i can put in on the pedestal at Lvl 30, it doesnt really matter, it will progress as long as i have gone to a level where it's stats are different?

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The Crusader armor will level up with you and here is how to do it: Take the armor off and put it all on the stand in the priory. Then take it off and reequip it so if you go from lvl 5 to 10 then do that procedure and it will be lvl 10 also, then do the same with lvl 15 and so no and so forth^^ hope this helped you^^ :thumbsup:




Thanks a lot Triveck, wanted someone to confirm this for me. :thumbsup: Just to clear things up; say i get the full set @ level 1, i can put in on the pedestal at Lvl 30, it doesnt really matter, it will progress as long as i have gone to a level where it's stats are different?

yes, if you get it at level 1 it will stay level 1 until you put it on the pedestal at lvl 30 where it will then become lvl 30^^ with all the stats of it:D

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