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Odd problem installing blender_nif_scripts-


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ok so I installed Blender first I got 2.49b

then I installed the Python 2.7 then the Pyffi

Then I tried to install blender_nif_scripts-

and it still keeps telling me I need to download and install Python and Pyffi even though I already have

I've tried uninstalling both and reinstalling and checking the options that they give you when you install but I'm stumped

Anyone else had this problem?

they all got installed in the program files and I left everything at the default settings

am I missing something? should I be doing Nifscope THEN nif scripts? cuz I got both of those.

anyway I'm running windows 7 ulti 32 dunno if that has anything to do with it. In the meantime I'll just play with blender and get used to it more without trying to do the things I need the Nifscripts for :(

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I installed the same package with Windows 7 earlier today and had a very similar problem; NIF Scripts said that Blender was not installed.


I downloaded the zipped version of Blender 2.49b, which does not include a 'default directory'.


NIF Scripts relies on Blender being in an exact directory, specifically C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender. If you downloaded the zipped version of Blender, you will need to move the files there manually. Another option is to install Blender through the .exe copy; it will automatically install to the correct directory. After Blender is found in the correct location, NIF Scripts will install correctly.


I presume that it works the same way with both Python and PyFFI. If in doubt, use the .exe files as oppossed to the .zip files.


I have Python 2.6.2 and the directory is C:\Python26.

I have PyFFI 2.1.5 and the directory is C:\Program Files\PyFFI.


Moving files to those directories should fix your problem! :D


Hope this helps!

Obsidian Age

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