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The Siege of... (Something like Malta)

Guest deleted2159825

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I approve of this mod! However, I see an engine limitation that might get in the way: Oblivion doesn't really like having more than 20 actors in screen at once.


I can see a workaround if the player is going to be on the defending team. Make a bunch of static objects that look like soldiers, in various poses, and place them in a camp below. Add a few real actor soldiers on patrols to give movement to the camp. From castle wall tops, the illusion wouldn't be obvious; but if the player was attacking and had to mingle with the soldiers, the statics might be immersion-breaking.

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Idk why everyone says that about 20 actors ? I was playing daedric wargames and I had about 26 of my own creatures fighting against about 20 - 30 other daedra and Oblivion didnt crash whatsoever I had a semi large fps hit but I was stil lable to play and trust me my computer is barely okay
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Guest deleted2159825

Ok, I've brainstormed some general concepts, characters, and the framework for a plot - hopefully I will get the notes posted tomorrow (Although my "Duelists" mod is still needing attention, as all mods are fickle creatures).


I'm excited that this is generating some interest - hopefully we can work around the possible limitations alluded to in earlier posts.


Thanks again for all the feedback; I'm starting to learn just how drawn-out the modding process can be. Thanks for your patience!

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Guest deleted2159825

Alright, the initial brainstorming is complete. After several hours of typing and no shortage of alcohol I have constructed an outline for "The Siege of Malat" (Working title). The full survey is included in the attached notepad document. Please download it and comment, suggest, nitpick, or whatever you feel, but please don't ignore it!


And since people are still viewing this thread, I will continue the shamless promotion of my first (but fully functional, non-crashing, & recently updated) mod, "The Duelists":



Thanks for reviewing my ideas - I look forward to hearing yours!

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Guest deleted2159825

I almost forgot - I stated in the notes that there would be suggested artwork for the armor models. Here you go (if this damn thing loads):



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I'd like to see a small, mediterranean-themed island (like Anvil) under constant siege by some nefarious invaders (as lore-friendly as possible). The player should be prompted to take up the cause with a knightly order equivalent to the Knights Hospitaller (Knights of [insert benevolent deity], e.g. "Knights of St. Alessia") and assist with relief efforts for the besieged defenders and denizens. While the island could host miscellaneous characters (friends, foes, traitors, lovers, etc.), the core theme of the mod would be repeatable "slash-n-bash" quests along with a main series of more nuanced missions

I'm working on something exactly like that. You can check out what I got so far.

You could join if you'd like too, we are in need of anyone who can help!

But anyways, heres the linky.

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Guest deleted2159825
I'll have to think about that - I'm not sure if I'd be a help or a hindrance. Right now I'm just cooking up crazy schemes for better modders to use since I've got very limited experience outside of NPC's, quests, and simple scripting (Just reference my first mod - it's not exactly "The Lost Spires").
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You're probly better at modding than me.

All I know how to do is landscape and build crap, because I made so many damn Far Cry maps on Xbox haha.

I just got my PC a month ago, and have no idea how to do anything except well, landscape haha.

But by all means if you know how to do any NPC/quest stuff, you're welcome to join!

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Guest deleted2159825

After thoroughly reviewing several tutorials I have delved into creating the worldspace for Malat. The island is in place (in terms of terrain height, general texturing, etc.) but it needs a tremendous amount of work.


If anyone would like to contribute, please PM me at any time! I will keep my profile open while I work on the island tonight. I encourage any casual observers to review the notes (posted earlier) and post any ideas or suggestions if you feel the urge.


An image of the main islands in their infancy is attached, along with a top-down version.

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