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Darkspawn Chronicles DLC questions


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Okay, got several WTH questions about this DLC!


Firstly, why are Cauthrien and Howe there? Aren't they both supposed to be dead?


Second, what the HELL is with Herren turning into a Desire Demon and disappearing if I try to kill him and Wade? Wade clearly isn't being possessed, so why the heck would a Desire Demon be posing as an assistant to some grumpy old blacksmith? Um wut seriously.


And why are there mages AND templars there? There's no way to get them both in the core game. You can only get the templars on your side by killing all of the mages, and if you get the mages on your side the templars refuse to help you. It's SAID that if you recruit the mages, that the templars later decide to join forces with them against the blight, but there is absolutely no evidence to support this claim. Come the final battle, and the templars are nowhere to be seen, and can't be called upon or anything.


Also, how in the heck did Alistair get elves AND werewolves on his side? That is completely impossible in the core game.


And the biggest question of all. Why the hell is Morrigan there?!?! The only way that would be possible was if Alistair agreed to screw her and knock her up with some bast*rd child from the intestines of hell. Which seems highly implausble to me that she'd be able to persuade him herself, with no other Warden there to do it. And if he's the only one there I don't see why Alistair would willingly sleep with her even if it was to save his life. Seriously, WTF?!?!

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My take on the DSC DLC is that its an opportunity for players to take out frustrations on characters that they dont like. Basically give you a chance to have gratuitous violence on some of the characters that you really, really wanna kick their butts in the main campaigns, but dont get to.


Dunno, that DLC had no appeal to me, which is one reason why I never bothered to get it. (that and it requires patch 1.03 which willl NOT go back on my system!). In a way it reminds me a lot of the Wolverine Orgins movie. A whole buttload of mish-mash crap that they threw all together, and didnt care if it sense, or was true to the storyline or not. :dry:

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