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Vampire eyes/Face


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I know that when you've become a vampire, your face changes (Becomes wrinkled;aged)? Is there anything mod that prevents this, that just keeps your face the same way it is? Also, vampire eyes, how do i get them to glow?

I remember in the UOB, i read something along the lines of "vampire" and "face" , someone please let me know if the UoB does anything regarding vampire faces to make them look as your character's original face, i dont want my toon looking all old, BLAH!

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Does it worth it to even become one? What does that give me?


Becoming a vampire gives you bonuses to certain skills and attributes. [url=]http://uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Vampirism[/url] Here is the UESP page with a lot of information on the topic. Personally I play a vampire character and although I've changed the timescale to 5 (the default is 30) I think that even with the default timescale I'd still play a vampire. (Since after you go 24 hours without feeding you'll start to take damage standing outside during the day).

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