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In what way will DA2 connect to DA? Continuity??


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You do know that Hawke is only for DA2 plus the expansion. They are not turning DA into "ME" or a "ME lookalike", this is the most appropriate way they can propel a story in DA2. The DA series are like the (and bare with me) Elder Scroll series where there was a new protagonist in every game. It has happened before with other games (especially those started by BioWare like NWN series, Kotor), and I kind of like it as it's better than ME. So really drop that line of argument please because it's just silly and wont win you points.


P.S Don't romanticise BG series because it has it's flaws too.

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You do know that Hawke is only for DA2 plus the expansion. They are not turning DA into "ME" or a "ME lookalike", this is the most appropriate way they can propel a story in DA2. The DA series are like the (and bare with me) Elder Scroll series where there was a new protagonist in every game. It has happened before with other games (especially those started by BioWare like NWN series, Kotor), and I kind of like it as it's better than ME. So really drop that line of argument please because it's just silly and wont win you points.


P.S Don't romanticise BG series because it has it's flaws too.


I am not telling that Mass Effect was better then DA: O . I better liked DA : O but it turns to be looking like it . Ok seriously I don't really care about a new character I really care about the thing that you cannot pick your race . I always liked the freedom of being able to choose your character . Yes, Kotor and Kotor 2 was awesome but dragon age was diffrent and I thought it would be and I thought it would be the same in DA 2 but then had ruined it with one mistake . I really like to play other races what can I help about it , I really like it . At least I hope someone will make a mod that gives your a possiblility to play as elf or dwarf or maybe they will make dlc . I really hope so.

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