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Highly Local Mass Script Failure


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I've got a really strange bug for you guys.


I finally noticed it with Midas Magic. The issue is as follows:


I'm finding that the midas spells are breaking all at once when I go certain places. I first noticed it when using polymorph eagle, when upon reaching Weye I suddenly fell out of the sky. I hit spacebar to "dismount" and the eagle didn't disappear. Ice Walk would just summon a single ice block to my PC's current position and then stop functioning. Force balls hang midair and do nothing, people casually walk through stasis field, and it never goes away.


Reloading/restarting oblivion does nothing. Spells are still broken. Leaving the area around Weye makes it so that spells are once again functioning, but they break the second I come back.


At first, I thought Midas Magic had simply gone insane, as all of this was happening independent of load order. Then, suddenly, I remembered something. I remembered that at one point I had had the dwemer skyship mod activated, and had stopped using it because one time the dwemer parachute failed to deploy when I had the ship floating over Weye. This made me slightly suspicious, so I started testing. What I've found is that scripts from all sorts of mods are *all* malfunctioning in this area. For example, companions will not change their outfits or show me their gear. If I ask them to show me their gear nothing happens until we leave Weye, whereupon their inventory suddenly opens.


Has anyone heard of anything even remotely like this happening before? This is by far the strangest bug I have *ever* run into in oblivion. Problem is, when the parachute failed I simply assumed it was some kind of sloppy coding in that particular mod, and so I continued playing. If this turns out to be an issue with the save I am completely boned, and would have to backtrack more than, like, 20 levels to circumvent the bug.

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