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200 raped MSN.com... just sayen...


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Would it not be appropriate to judge them by their own customs and law? In which case I believe that the penalty is beheading , I thought that I was being more benign than that.

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Sure, let the Congolese handle it, I don´t actually know what penallty they will get there. I was opposing against the sudden "lynch attitude" I found here. One more thing; why this particular incident? 10.000 are being raped that way every year in Congo, due to their war. Why not speak of the problem as a whole, and in a civilized way? How can we help them back to normal?

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Yes it is bad, I don't deny that but I don't need to go down to their level of punishment. None of us do. We are all better than this and even though I want these people dead, death isn't really going to help the victims.


That´s what I mean. With all theese suggestions for punisment I have seen here, I can not distinguish one from another; the good guys from the bad guys.

Just like middleage.


Sorry I had to fix that. We are all better than them, I just think that killing them is the merciful way to go. I want the guilt to remain in their minds as long as they live.


I'm gald that it does, you women deserve some peace in your life. I just wish you guys weren't so burdened by our corrupted society just because of your biological nature. How could the modern day still feel this way after all we've learned?

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Humans are weak. Something I've been writing about for a while is what i call human decay. You get one generation, they make a discovery. Now, that discovery actualy makes a diference then. The next generation take that for granted. Their children then have started to forget just how bad things were before the discovery and begin to question it's validity, finaly their children finish the cycle and destroy the knowledge that elevated them.


In this case, we've actualy stepped backwards on women's rights. They were a lot better off years ago. I remember the days when writing books with a female lead character actualy didnt surprise people, now it's like "wow thats... gay." whenever I start rambling. For a little while we had what could have become a progressive society, but a number of factors have combined to halt and reverse the positive trend and push us back even further into the dark ages.


Firstly, sexualisation from birth for women is slowly turning modern girls in sludge-for-brains tarts. Upbringing has a huge part to play in what sort of person becomes. Now, what sort of person do you think a girl who is raised under constant extreme pressure to be pretty, has very little self expression, is not allowed to do what she wants, and is seen as being valueless except as a sex object. What sort of woman would she become hmm? That's just one problem.


Secondly, greed. Large companies do absolutely everything they can in australia to pay their workers the minimum possible. Women get literaly half the pay of men because it's legal. They can do that so they do that, it's easy for women to get jobs because employers like workers they can exploit, they just dot get payed for their work.


Thirdly, law. Law is often heavily biased against women. Plenty of times in australia at least women have gotten into serious legal trouble for reporting a rape, as such claims are usualy put down to a woman sleeping with a man then trying to rob him with the courts. It's not like that but our legal system, hell, the whole damn western bloc legal system, is from the dark ages, and asking for a law to change isnt gonna get you anywhere.

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I agree with all those facts now , havent given them much thought , but when you do , you ( atleast I do ) know that it fits right in to the description of how the world is fixed for women ...
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Where does this endless hate come from?


It comes from are darkest desires and comes in the from of anger and hatred. Shove them in a prison cell with the worst conditions for life I say, they get away with everything too easily if they die.


Now what did you mean by "taste their own medicine..." that could be taken in sooo many wrong ways....


But I agree, this is the time when I wish there was some sort of hero out there to punish the criminals out there, like batman, but merciless to the criminals (batman just never have the guts to take a pistol and shoot the joker)

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Thirdly, law. Law is often heavily biased against women. Plenty of times in australia at least women have gotten into serious legal trouble for reporting a rape, as such claims are usualy put down to a woman sleeping with a man then trying to rob him with the courts. It's not like that but our legal system, hell, the whole damn western bloc legal system, is from the dark ages, and asking for a law to change isnt gonna get you anywhere.

@Vindekarr could you do me a flavor? Could you think this one over from the point of view of a male that got raped and tries to tell this the police? You don't need to post it, but please think this one over.

Edited by SilverDNA
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