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Fallout 3 Optimization


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Hi all.


Right. I have Fallout 3 which I bought off my friend for a cheap price and the problem is that on medium settings I get quite a choppy framerate esp. in combat. Ofc I know this is down to my GPU not being up to scratch. I don't particularly enjoy it when it's performing like this because it's not very immersive. What I'm asking is, is what tweaks and mods can I use to improve my FPS without dropping the settings too much and what is better, resolution over the other graphics settings or vice-versa?


Thanks in advance.


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The answers you seek are all in;




There are a few mods that will help in remove or decreasing stuttering - however as with anything there is a mix of success and failures with these as well.

Follow the guide as it's give you a huge understanding of the mechanics underneath as well as some advanced tweaking. Once you use this and you still have a problem then look at additional changes.

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