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Script decides to skip some of it's lines.


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I'm having problems with script preforming it's final steps. It's a movement script which uses num pad keys to move the object. (rotating will come when I figured this problem out)

It's suppose to disable & enable the object so the object's collison updates (and maybe other things, but mainly collison), but it's like it just ignore it, since it does the step before and after. So everything works except the disable/enabling.


Also the message box buttons is like this:

0. Place object.

1. Reset scale to normal.

2. Done


Any other messages just states if something is started or stopped.


Here is the Quest script:


scn TTTestingScriptQ

float Xp
float Yp
float Zp

float Xa
float Ya
float Za
float fScale

int iEnable
int iKey
int iSnap
int iMenu
int Button

ref rObject

int iStage
float fTimer

Begin GameMode

if ( iMenu == 0 )
	if ( iStage == 0 )
		if ( iKey == 0 )
			set iKey to gkp 0
		elseif ( iKey == 65535 )
			set iKey to gkp 0
		elseif ( iKey == 75 )
			set Xp to ( Xp - 1 )

			if ( iSnap == 1 )
				set iStage to 1
		elseif ( iKey == 77 )
			set Xp to ( Xp + 1 )

			if ( iSnap == 1 )
				set iStage to 1
		elseif ( iKey == 72 )
			set Yp to ( Yp + 1 )

			if ( iSnap == 1 )
				set iStage to 1
		elseif ( iKey == 80 )
			set  Yp to ( Yp - 1 )

			if ( iSnap == 1 )
				set iStage to 1
		elseif ( iKey == 73 )
			set  Zp to ( Zp + 1 )

			if ( iSnap == 1 )
				set iStage to 1
		elseif ( iKey == 71 )
			set  Zp to ( Zp - 1 )

			if ( iSnap == 1 )
				set iStage to 1
		elseif ( iKey == 74 )
			set fScale to ( fScale  - 0.1 )

			if ( iSnap == 1 )
				set iStage to 1
		elseif ( iKey == 78 )
			set fScale to ( fScale  + 0.1 )

			if ( iSnap == 1 )
				set iStage to 1
		elseif ( iKey == 81 )
			if ( iSnap == 0 )
				set iSnap to 1
				ShowMessage TTTesting03MESG
				set iSnap to 0
				ShowMessage TTTesting04MESG

			set iStage to 1
		elseif ( iKey == 22 )
			ShowMessage TTTestingConfigMESG
			set iMenu to 1
			set iKey to gkp 0

	rObject.SetPos X Xp
	rObject.SetPos Y Yp
	rObject.SetPos Z Zp
	rObject.SetScale fScale
	set iKey to 0
	set Button to GetButtonPressed

;This is where the problem is:
	if ( Button == 0 )
		set iEnable to 1
		set iMenu to 0
	elseif ( Button == 1 )
		set fScale to 1
		rObject.SetScale fScale
		set iMenu to 0
	elseif ( Button == 2 )
		;Do nothing
		set iMenu to 0

if ( fTimer > 0 )
    	Set fTimer to fTimer - GetSecondsPassed
elseif ( iStage == 1 )
	Set iStage to 2
	Set fTimer to 0.3
elseif ( iStage == 2 )
	Set iStage to 0

;This is where the problem is:
if ( iEnable == 1 )
	set iEnable to 0
	StopQuest TTTestingQ




And this is what going to be on the objects that uses the placement feature:


scn TTTestingScript

Begin OnActivate

if ( IsKeyPressed 22 == 1 )
	ShowMessage TTTesting01MESG
	DisablePlayerControls 0 1 1 0 0 0
	set TTTestingQ.Xp to GetPos X
	set TTTestingQ.Yp to GetPos Y
	set TTTestingQ.Zp to GetPos Z
	set TTTestingQ.fScale to GetScale
	set TTTestingQ.iStage to 1
	set TTTestingQ.rObject to GetSelf
	StartQuest TTTestingQ




Thanks in advance^^

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You could try adding a delay so that the disable/enable does not occur in the same frame. Set the delay for like 2 seconds at first so you can see if it is really happening.
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I think I did something similar, but I used message boxes instead. And I placed one last at the enable section, then another one last at the disable section, and they both showed.


So both the disable and enable are being done - but in the same frame. If you set a timer after the disable and let a few frames go by before doing the enable so that the world art is updated might solve your problem.

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