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Skyrim CTD when picking up objects from body's


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If you want to try out some different weather mods


I'd remove




Replace with

Pure Weather




plus try out these they are a lot of fun


FXAA injector here on Nexus

COL-costume overlay lighting ....I think that's it.


Those are some nice ones Im playing with in game now.

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Get these


One Tweak

>higher priority rating for Skyrim.exe

>Solves Alt Tab Bug

>Stops DBL curser Bug


Better go ahead and load up SKSE memory fix.

Google that.

Its one of those things you have to write out yourself but it takes like 1 minute


Skyrim Configulator

If you have I-5 or I-7 processor its got a threaded option you can try out its a nice tweak


Those are what I use and man they make a difference.



Stable Ugrids to Load.

I haven't used it yet but I hear its nice, I might try it out later...But the tweaks above might resolve this.


Still wondering how in the world you had orphan scripts.



If you want to try out some different weather mods


I'd remove




Replace with

Pure Weather




plus try out these they are a lot of fun


FXAA injector here on Nexus

COL-costume overlay lighting ....I think that's it.


Those are some nice ones Im playing with in game now.


I have the SKSE tweak i think if this is it?




The other tweaks i have not tested, not felt the need for it as my fps is hardly ever under 55fps. But i will test those and see what they do. But one question, isnt Stable Ugrids to load meant for people who have that setting at 7 or more? I am going to test it anyway it might help against something hehe ;)


The other weather mods i have not tested to be honest as i am very pleased with how my game looks now. But thanks a lot for the tip, i will download them and keep them for a day i might want to try them :)

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Still the game will CTD sometimes when looting bodies. This time i looted a vampire, and i think that is what happened last night aswell.


papyrus log here: http://pastebin.com/tf1hwvF2


I have since last night tried to fix the crashes doing this few things.


TES5Edit cleaned update and the 3 DLCs for dirty edits (the rest of the errors LOOT did show in them i don't know how to fix)

Tried running enboost to see if that helps.

Enabled the SKSE memory fix and also added a memory logger.

Cleaned my save for orphan scripts, also ran a SKSE command in game to clean things.


Now i am all out of ideas for why this is going on. I don't want to start a new play just yet as i have already deleted saves that was old and my most beloved characters hehe. This new and only one i have left is growing on me and i want to try and save it. It is not that far in to the game, but solving this might show me what is going on and might prevent this from happening in the future. Maybe also help other people who is having the same issue.


And last, i want to thank gamefever for the great ideas for how to fix this last night

Edited by tomhjen
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