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My Xmas request for Skyrim Mods


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I currently am using a UNP body mesh and skimpy Silverlight UNP armor.


I got my dagger (dragonborn dagger) and sheath fixed from sitting in mid-air, so yay me!


My only xmas mod wish now is for a one-handed crossbow that actually works and does damage!


I like the crossbows over normal bows (they don't get in the visual way like bows do)... but I much prefer the one-handed crossbow look given I am a thief. So, my request for a mod is a one-handed crossbow that actually works (animation, has a damage rating over 0, etc) so I can have the crossbow in one hand and my dagger in the other.


It's all I want for xmas, Santa modder!

Edited by valeran46
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